Caitlin McKitterick

Caitlin McKitterick is a Canadian-based teacher, wife and stepmom of a four year old boy. On her blog, you will find the ramblings of a bachelorette-turned-stepmom on how she strives to live a balanced, inspired and fulfilled life amidst the chaos of a blended family.

2 Articles Published | Follow:
What To Expect When You're Expecting Toddles, Raise Magazine
What To Expect When You’re Expecting A Toddler
Stepmom Caitlin McKitterick shares her advice for soon-to-be stepparents of little ones. So, you’re expecting…
How I Overcame Stepmom Imposter Syndrome, Raise Magazine
How I Overcame Stepmom Impostor Syndrome
Stepmom Caitlin McKitterick shares the three things she’s done to conquer her feelings of self-doubt…