Our favorite links from around the web featuring stories of stepparenting, adoption, foster care, surrogacy, and non-traditional families.
New York State Legalizes Commercial Surrogacy.
How Coronavirus Is Affecting Surrogacy, Foster Care and Adoption.
Actress Jordana Brewster’s advice to women considering surrogacy.
Covid-19 is showing the rest of the world what NICU moms experience on a daily basis.
Coronavirus pandemic sows chaos in surrogacy process: International parents-to-be aren’t allowed to travel to the U.S. for the birth. So who takes care of the baby until restrictions are lifted?

Jessica Butler is the co-founder of Raise, stepmother of two, and adoptive mother of one. Prior to Raise, she was a writer on USA’s "In Plain Sight" and TNT’s "The Last Ship." She and her husband, writer/producer Warren Bell, co-created the Nick at Nite series "Instant Mom," based on her life as a stepmother. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and six-year-old son, Levon.