Sharing our most popular posts in honor of National Adoption Awareness Month.
In Conversation with Jeena Wilder: Our Transracial Adoption
Influencer Jeena Wilder is mom to four – three biological, biracial babes and one blonde haired, blue eyed daughter through adoption. Jeena recently chatted with Raise co-founder Jessica Butler about her daughter’s transracial adoption, how she explains her difficult adoption circumstances in an age appropriate way, and why more Black families should be adopting. READ MORE
When A Child Asks, “Why Did My Birth Mom Give Me Up?”
I’m not raising my son to believe that his mother “gave him away” because I’m not raising him to assume that all women who give birth should want to be mommies. I’m not raising him to believe that choosing not to parent is a bad or shameful choice. READ MORE
In Conversation With Beth Hall
Actress Beth Hall [Mom, Mad Men] shares the story of adopting her daughter through foster care, the disrupted adoption she experienced along the way, and the importance of safely surrendered baby laws. READ MORE
5 Things I Wanted My Son To Have From His Birth Mother
I was adopted in 1972 in a closed adoption. While I would search for and eventually find my biological mother forty years later, I grew up knowing nothing of why I was placed for adoption, my biological family, or my medical history. I wanted my son to grow up differently. READ MORE
Adoptee Stories: Thaicha Branch
Adoptee Thaicha Branch shares her journey from foster care to adoption, refocusing her trauma, and what foster children need the most. READ MORE
The Most Frequently Asked (And Frequently Inappropriate) Questions About My Son’s Adoption
I’m always willing to share more of our story with individuals who are exploring adoption and asking questions in an effort to educate themselves, but more often than not, questions come from a place of nothing more than nosiness. READ MORE
I Suffered From Post-Adoption Depression
When our birth mother placed her infant son into my arms at the hospital, I expected feelings of elation and peace. Tears of joy. But it didn’t happen that way. Instead, I was flooded with panic and doubt. READ MORE
My Son’s Adoption Is His Story To Share, But It’s Mine Too
All parents grapple with the boundaries of “sharenting” — the modern parenting trend of oversharing images and details of a child’s life online — but for adoptive parents, the boundaries are even more blurred. Is it our place to reveal our child’s adoption to strangers? Is it an invasion of their privacy to post adoption day photos on social media? Don’t we mothers have a right to openly share our parenthood journey if we so choose? READ MORE
In Conversation With American Idol’s Amber Fiedler
American Idol contestant Amber Fiedler on her decision to make an open adoption plan for her birth daughter. READ MORE
How to Write an Adoption Profile: According to a Birth Family
The best advice I received when creating our profile was to be authentic. Expectant families connect with adoptive parents who share their passions, quirks, and even physical attributes. In our case, it was a mutual love of Steve Martin that sealed the deal. READ MORE

Jessica Butler is the co-founder of Raise, stepmother of two, and adoptive mother of one. Prior to Raise, she was a writer on USA’s "In Plain Sight" and TNT’s "The Last Ship." She and her husband, writer/producer Warren Bell, co-created the Nick at Nite series "Instant Mom," based on her life as a stepmother. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and six-year-old son, Levon.