What brand of diaper did your preemie wear?
Levon was born weighing 2 pounds, 7 ounces, and came home from the hospital weighing less than 4 pounds. In the NICU, he wore Pampers made for micro-preemies, and after we came home, he transitioned into Pampers Swaddlers.

Our family LOVES Pampers!
Not only were they gentle on Levon’s delicate skin (he NEVER had diaper rash), the brand is committed to supporting premature babies. To celebrate Prematurity Awareness Month, Pampers introduced a first-of-it’s-kind flat diaper for preemies, in addition to donating $100,000 to March Of Dimes.
You can purchase Pampers Swaddlers for preemies (and bigger babes) on Amazon.

Do you have a favorite brand of diaper for preemies? Leave us a comment!
Plus, our favorite bottles, skin care products, and clothing brands for preemies.