“Eye Love You” Valentines

DIY Valentines for the eyeball obsessed.
My son is obsessed with eyeballs. There’s no clever way to write that sentence. Every day, he asks, “How do you spell eyeball?”
“Can I touch your eyeball?”
“How do your eyeballs stay inside your head?”
He even asked for an eyeball-themed dinner for his birthday. I blame his grandmothers. Two are nurses and the other is an optometric technician, which makes him both genetically and environmentally pre-disposed to having an interest in the human body.
Last Valentine’s Day, I asked his teachers if the class was exchanging cards, and they said no. But EVERY OTHER MOM sent their toddlers to school with adorable Valentines bags anyway, and my kid was the scrooge who didn’t bring candy for his friends. This year, we’re making up for it, and honoring Levon’s latest obsession – all things eyeballs.

Heart-shaped Glasses and Valentine’s Day Fun Glasses available at Target.
For more inspo, follow RAISE on Pinterest.

Jessica Butler is the co-founder of Raise, stepmother of two, and adoptive mother of one. Prior to Raise, she was a writer on USA’s "In Plain Sight" and TNT’s "The Last Ship." She and her husband, writer/producer Warren Bell, co-created the Nick at Nite series "Instant Mom," based on her life as a stepmother. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and six-year-old son, Levon.